Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hail The Death Of Internet Shit Talking Websites/Boards!

Well I for one can stand by and call out on for being an equal number once since they are both ran by the same dude. While I respect what one Christopher Brickhouse built out of nothing I can not let go the sheer amount of filth, slander, and pure hatred that that site reeks of like a slaughtered lamb left in the Arizona summer heat for a fortnight. My real beef with this site is its utmost and immature treating of newcomers to this website that is supposed to be based around the Hardcore music scene, and Metal scene. What it has become is a lurking place, such as a bridge filled with billy goats ready for a Troll feast,and for 34 year olds still living in their folks basement to come and talk massive amounts of shit on bands that deserve nothing but praise from the lord below.
The sheer amount of hate and shit talking out weighs the Biggie/2-Pac beef in words not bullets. For example, here is a quote: cbrickhouse
vanilla gorilla
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April 17 2012 5:53 PM   QuickQuote Quote  
i miss schnell

Well sorry webmaster after your minions disrespected my family and myself why would I go out of my way to post on your site when you are already hurting on topics to discuss? Why not talk about good new records, such as the new Devils Blood EP, In Solitude, and a few others who are destroying the American scene by the force of Satan at the moment, instead of still talking about your friends bands why they might be bad ass. I really would like to know that if they are so good why is it a constant kick in the teeth to go out of your way to represent your music scene by force when it should be a natural thing? I don't get it. I keep seeing my name pop up since I used to post on there before you bunch of Judas' listened to some mamas  boy narco and hence wanted me on a personal level to want nothing more than for your site to crash and burn. But first what did you eat today, what movie are you watching, which Olsen Twins likes Pizza the best? 

Visualize the offender clearly and inflict all of the mutilation, injury, and pain you can imagine upon them. Beat them, stab them, torture them, and torment them. You can repeatedly recite their name over and over again in your mind. Release all of your hatred and anger in any way you wish. Just do it in your mind. Some people hate someone so hard they cry- this is fine, this is a cathartic and a very intensely emotional release. You must continue on and on until you are literally exhausted.
The most important thing here is to stay focused. You should also feel very justified. Any lapse in concentration or feelings that creep in where you feel you are not 100% in the right and completely may not only destroy a destruction ritual, but can be dangerous.
Now, close the ritual by giving thanks to Satan and any Demons you may have called forth that the offender will be rightfully punished. Ring the Bell, turning clockwise and say HAIL SATAN!! Either silently to yourself or aloud.
Take the burned remains and you can flush them down the toilet or dispose of them in some other degrading manner.

Boy does this shit get old. Same insults, same boring music. I hope this fucking world burns with every server in the world CANCELLED. LIFE IS OUTSIDE, GO GRAB IT BY THE BALLS AND FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF ITS BEAK. For someone who hasn't posted in a year you all can't seem to keep my cock out of your mouths. I will never return and I piss on your servers and wish you all the worst. Except for a select few who I'm glad to call my friends. So yeah I'd rather update my Xanga than post on your fucking site. HAIL!

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