Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I need to get tickets for this, what an awesome line up and two days worth of riff worshiping massive doom in the Big Apple sounds like a fucking blast.))) I'll probably end up going alone, drop out of life.

Bobby Liebling from Pentagram and myself in the Ridley Park 711 a few days after I returned from Austin (hence the beer weight which is now gone haha). Very odd to run into the man behind Pentagram and star of the newly released documentary, "Last Days Here".
Two of my personal favorite Pentagram songs.

Mostly I happen to be looking forward to Repulsion out of all these incredible bands. Being one of my favorite grind bands of all time in a sea of blast beats and Celtic Frost breakdowns, lies this filthy yet wonderful record called, "Horrified". Repulsion to me is a prime fucking example of a band breaking new ground, then vanishing not knowing how strong their influence really was on the scene. That was until the minds at Relapse Records, and a gigantic amount of praise thru the pages of Decibel Magazine's Albert Mudrain (my boss when I was an intern at Decibel Magazine) Choosing Death: The Improbable History Of Death Metal & Grindcore.
I love Repulsion-Horrified hell I like it more than Napalm Death-Scum when it comes to early Fuzzy as fuck bass riffs and who could blast fastest. Napalm Death had the message and the politics to back up their anger, where Repulsion was singing about Festering Boils, and Stabbing women walking thru the park at night. Extreme music yields extreme results.... or an over done piece of shit ball jocking waste of nine bullshit tracks from some band that was once pretty amazing, then is approached by a bigger but still not major label and down goes the ship. Like some drunk fisherman's lost boat in a fierce rain storm, some bands sink and are forgotten, while others still sit intact at the bottom of the ocean that is the record business like the fucking Titanic waiting to be re-exposed to the world in all of their rotten glory. Repulsion did just that.
The mighty Winter is also playing The Power Of The Riff East. I've been dying to see these dudes. Love them on record, and sadly missed them play Maryland Death Fest, but their music means alot to me in atmosphere along with heaviness. Its hard to put my finger on why I love this record so much aside from the basic fact that if you a fan of crushing hateful doom then what isn't there to not like? Keep in mind that this record was recorded in 1990 and they pushed out releases until 1994.
Sunn0))) are also playing the fest whom I have seen three times. All three times were inside the actual chapel of the FU Church in Philly. I don't care what anyone says I like Sunn0))) and especially love Black One. I've seen them play with Malefic of Xasthur, and Atilla Csiha. Along with Sunn playing the entire Grimmrobe Demos. I'm a fan of how much of a mind fuck Sunn0))) can be but also how dark their music comes off just as much as it does in the form of a wall of riffs. Other notable bands playing this fest are Poison Idea, Unearthly Trance who are fucking incredible.
Unearthly Trance is one of those bands that I feel fit that Relapse sale model and do it more than well.
As is Dead In The Dirt whom I will be headbanging hard as fuck for. So here are some tunes from the bands, I suggest going to this and don't forget those ear plugs.
It should be a good time, especially if you go both days. So consider this a notification that this is going down here on the East  Coast.
Also here is the photo of the day:
 Dan Murphy with a huge frontside 180 ollie. 2004.

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