I've met plenty of women who reminded me of this character but turning up emotionally like a plane crash underneath some makeup. Being a strong women to me is a huge turn on, being a drug addict who is a women ehh, not so much unless she has some killer bud to share! Im sure in reality Krysten probably wouldn't want to share a bong rip with me and listen to Sleep-Holy Mountain in its entirety, even though we would probably totally have a killer time and not even kiss after (unless she wanted to smash!). The next girl I meet and have a fresh start with Im keeping it professional and friendly. Unless Im watching ,"Lost In Translation" (check out my earlier review for the film of the month for this August.)
Pretty much one of the reasons aside from my fleeing boyish good looks, and awesome facial hair that I get women is that I always want that one girl I know I can't get, so others try to make me fall for them which normally will end like a relationship on Seinfeld. Why is it so hard to just sustain a normal decent relationship these days? I blame the internet and peoples inabilities to be themselves. Sure getting laid is great, but making it everything and making it easy to access is starting to get old at the ripe age of 26.
I hate being alone and have tried, and tried again to replace my last real girl of a few years who was amazing and we remain friends. But I think me chasing after a similar women who likes me for me normally bites me in the ass. But also while I can never get what I want due to insanity, liars, chicks you think are down with you then show up with another dudes engagement ring, fucksake it gets old. So there is reason number 36,734 that Im moving to Austin. I want to find someone who makes me feel special for me again, not just a fling. Friends first, then hell see what happens? I could really use some good platonic female friends as well since my life is a giant Dudefest anymore, aside from telephone calls and text messages to other states. I don't talk to anyone here in PA who is a female these days aside from my ex. So if you happen to read this for some reason Miss Krysten Ritter, would you like to grab some dinner at Wahoo's when I move to Austin this October? Ah delusions of grandeur.
Beautiful women right here.
Im working another brutal 12am-8am shift tonight so I will not be able to update the blog but I will leave you with the start of a short story Im working on and your daily record suggestion. I hope you enjoy both, and the mixed content of this blog.
Currently slaying: Dawnbringer-Nucleus
Amazing heavy tunes to let your hair grow three inches to and get awesome! Highly recomended.
Im off to eat some Chinese.
Here is the start of my latest short story:
Basement life had grown old for Tim Robinson. The sunlight felt like some sort of unwanted disease on his skin, the way it seared his eyes disgusted him. The snow would arrive soon, along with the longer evenings where Tim had gotten most of his daily routines set in stone. Graveyard shift at the local shithole supermarket wasn’t all it was cut out to be as the look of his local manager sickened him to the bones. Each word from each costumer made him want to smash his fist into their pretty face exposing his pure hatred for human contact. But this was all bottled up inside, a ticking time bomb so to speak. Tim had some friends around the market including a young girl with hair as black as the day the sun burns out and the inside of the world goes cold like his heart. Her name was Denise Dywan the two had gone to school together and always were close.
Denise seemed to enjoy Tim’s company and made his agonizing eight hours of helping his dreadful community fly by like an airplane trip across the Atlantic. But her flaw wasn’t her smile, nor was it the way she argued that Killing Joke was better than Joy Division. It was all of the assholes she brought around and who picked her up year after year in their multiple Fords, Hondas, whatever these ballbags could roach off of their families to impress her. She fell for it every time, and each time Tim was the ears to hear the heartache. Too afraid to spew out his own feelings onto her loving ears.
And the quote of the year goes to......
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