The infamous, "Wee Crab" Kriss Kyle posted this new Duo UK edit on his Facecrook so I posted it here. Shit is rad.
Fuck you Fox! Best non animated television program ever.
Simply brilliant. Buy that shit up! You will more than likely end up watching all three seasons in a row.
You seriously cannot go wrong with Arrested Development if you'd like a laugh. Or Curb Your Enthusiasm which has been amazing this new season. Larry David is the best dude alive. Much love LD.
One of the best scenes ever in the series 8 seasons.
If I ever heard someone use the term, "LOL" in real life I'd slap em in the dick.
Michael Richards: So Duberstein, that's a Jewish name right?
Leon: Yes it is! I was adopted by some lovely Jews.
Michael Richards: And you were Bar Mitzvahed?
Leon: Oh yeah, three times! The last time was a few months ago in Atlantic City.
Michael Richards: But I thought you only got Bar Mitzvahed once, you know, when you're 13 years old.
Leon: No, No, No-No, You misunderstood, it's once every thirteen years. You gotta recharge the Mitzva! So the Mitzvas are kinda full. Capacity! At full mitzva capacity!
Michael Richards: So, tell me about the groats?
Leon: Well... Everything I ate tasted like peaches. And I forgot how to multiply. I could subtract, but I couldn't multiply. If I'm fucking 6 women 3 times a day, 7 days a week, how many times per week am I fucking? Was it 10? Was it 130? Was it 16? I was tripping out.
Michael Richards: whew, that's some weird stuff.
Leon: You tellin' me. Danny Duberstein is good at two things - -that's math and fucking.
Listen to Pig Destroyer.
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