Friday, December 2, 2011

FRIDAY NIGHTS ARE KILLING ME Top Eleven Records Of 2011 & Top Five BMX Sections At The Moment

In Solitude proves that not all of Sweden's natural metal resources are dried up. This record simply destroys. From thrashing beer drinking songs about everyone's favorite Goat in hell, to just being Rock And Roll as fuck, NWOBHM is back and thankfully it sounds as good as In Solitude-The World, The Flesh, The Devil. You need this record.
If not for yourself, then for the Dark Lorde!

I last saw Tombs in 2008 and wow have they grown up into a fucking powerhouse of a band. I guess more bands should eat mushrooms when recording eh? Because unlike Winter Hours which was brilliant, Brooklyn New York's own Tombs have brought something new to the table and a new sound that treads on old water but never seems to repeat itself in both beauty, sadness, and just straight up bang your head riff attacks. Scoop this up over at Relapse records, or see them live, its a treat!
The new Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm record is one of my favorites of the year, get GRIM! In a year of amazing black metal, next to the new Leviathan and Wolves In The Throne Room Inquisition just sticks out to me as haunted as the mind of Jack Torrence from The Shinning in case your not a horror movie fan, mixed with the fierce intensity of these end times in the form of vicious black metal done right. You need this.

Leviathan- True Traitor, True Whore. Where to even begin when it comes to this one man Black Metal Anti-Hero, not only if the allegations are true about assaulting his ex girlfriend with tattoo equipment then he is a scum fuck and belongs in jail, but oh wait this is America and most of our society has thrown away the whole innocent until proven guilty stature that I thought that our Justice system was based on. I in no way support Wrest and his his actions if they are true. If you are a man, and a REAL MAN, NOT A PUSSY WHO TREATS THE WOMEN THEY CLAIM TO LOVE LIKE TRASH, BRING THEM DOWN, TALK SHIT AND PUT ON THIS BULLSHIT FRONT AND HURT THE PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT, KARMA WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS. This goes out to anyone who ever emotionally or physically harms their loved so called loved ones. If you reading this and you know who I'm speaking of I hope you choke on the next Arby's sandwich you eat you fucking asshole. You don't deserve someone so wonderful to care about you. Fuck off bro. See Leviathan brings out the hate in every one and this record is his strongest yet, produced by Sanford Parker it sounds as drugged out as ever and still reeks of an uncertainty of what the next track will bring along with a chainsaw of amazing riffs, and very good production for a Leviathan record. Enjoy the music, and read the tale behind Wrest's arrest here. Wrest Arrested. Charged with Sexual Assault:

Jeff Whitehead a.k.a. Wrest of the bands Krieg, Nachtmystium and Leviathan and frequent guest in Sunn O))) has been charged with criminal sexual assault after Chicago police arrested him late Saturday night after an alleged argument with his girlfriend. At 12: 30 AM Whitehead allegedly slammed his lovers head against the floor and chocked her while sexually assaulting her with tattooing instruments.
(Wrest claims his girlfriend made all of this up for revenge but if anything positive came out of such a bogus out of hand situation is how amazing his new record is. But if Wrest is guilty he can fuck off.)
Whitehead was in Chicago as a guest tattoo artist working at Taylor Street Tattoo at the time of the arrest. The alleged incident occurred within a house attached to the studio that Whitehead was staying at while on tour.
No members of Krieg or Nachtmystium have made any statements regarding Whitehead. Whitehead is currently held in Cook County Jail with bail set at $350,000. 

Next up is the mighty, Mournful Congregation- The Book Of Kings. I loved The June Frost release and this just murders that record with its sorrow, heaviness and all around amazing songs. Doom can be a dime a dozen but Mournful Congregation stand out with pure feelings of vastness and sorrow few bands can successfully throw into songs and make them work in a not boring fashion. In pure dISEMBOWELMENT tradition these Aussies run the doom flag high, here is the title track and a massive 32+ minutes of great tunes to eat a shot gun to, or just get really baked.
Onto the final half way point and I'm pretty stoned off this medication for my broken finger but hell I can type, and get you ladies and gentlemen to check out some of my personal favorite records of the year. Anyway next up is Rwake, who if you know me then you know that their last full length,"Voice Of Omens" got me into taking psychedelics while enjoying Rwake perform their form of Southern Sludge mixed with the venomous screeching of the vocals mixed with riffs that Mastodon should be writing in the dark woods, not on stage with Godsmack. Yuck. What the fuck happened Mastodong? Remission,Lifesblood, and Leviathan were brilliant then the ship sank.
I just found this interview that made me laugh and hell maybe it is what makes Rwake-Rest so fucking good?

The ‘R’ at the beginning of your name obviously has to do with your Robitussin use, and many folks I know who have seen you guys live have commented on your cough syrup use onstage. Is that inherently part of the band?

"Totally. I mean, we don’t only drink cough syrup, and we don’t do it as much as we used to, but we’re really down with the totally awesome way it feels. It’s crazy how some fans take it to heart—we have kids in the front row of our shows where I’m like, “Dude, you’re a fucking zombie.” It’s just our thing. Especially in small town spaces—a lot of kids around here will chug cough syrup, or huff shit, whatever’s over the counter. That’s where we come from, that’s who we are."
 Just smoke weed kids. Weekend Nachos would rather you just get pissed and DESTROY!

 Weekend Nachos-Worthless is up for your lunch platter of pure hatred and spit in your veggie burger.Chicago's WN just keep getting getting better and better along with more and more angry. I love thisband, seeing them in a live setting is not only as fun as a SPAZZ show in steroids, but their tunes regardless even if its a song with a positive message the tale at the end of the day is we're all fucked so lets get used to it and stage dive. Weekend Nachos scored a gig with EYEHATEGOD which should tell you that these dudes steered off the Power Violence expressway and sound like a garbage truck, dropped off the Empire State Building. Don't let the name fool you, Weekend Nachos might be the angriest band on the planet.

For all of you heavy drinkers out there I wasn't going to forget fucking CROWBAR! Kirk Windstein may have put the bottle down but he in no way turned Crowbar into some post therapy Metallica. "Sever The Wicked Hand" is everything that you can expect from a good Crowbar record. Amazing lyrics, mountains of riffs, and songs that make you want to make sure that your liver is ready for a long evening, clocking in at near an hour get yourself a bottle of Old Crow and enjoy.
Wow is all I can say about The Devils Blood-The Thousandfold Epicenter. This is going to be a classic, riffs out the ass, great vocals, the Dutch have led the new wave of the Occult into our American hearts properly and I think that with just one listen you'll see what I mean. This is out in Europe now and will be on our shores by 01/17/12 so keep your panties on,for Satan if anyone.
 I know everyone knows I love Wolves In The Throne Room and Celestial Lineage is no different, this album is simply perfect, if you enjoy Black Metal, atmosphere, and a record that continues to get better after each listen you need to own the new W.I.T.T.R.

So there is my top ten records of the year. Graf Orlock-Doombox was a tie but these are the albums you will be rocking for years to come. Hope you enjoy your Friday. Here is some BMX related stuff for you kids who think Gucci Mane is actually good.
I'm off my bike with a broken finger for two more weeks, so here are my top five video parts to get stoked on at the moment, not skateboarding but BMX.

1. Jason Enns-Etnies Forward. Killing it with four pegs when you had to be a man to run four pegs on your bike making your Pegzilla weighing over 30lbs of awesomeness. What a banging section, I love the last two bangers,even if he does,The Enns looks bad ass.

2. Chase Hawk- Fit Life style is a word alot of kids throw around, if your 12 years old your footjam to chode stall doesn't look stylish you just look like you should ride a scooter. Chase Hawk on the other hand roasts everything and shows why he is one of the best Bmx riders on the planet.

3. Van Homan- Stay Fit a very underrated section mostly due to the poor choice of editing and song choice. No offense to Van he went out there and killed it harder than anyone else in the video. But with all the bogus drama that surrounded the Cult/Fit fiasco I feel as if this totally insane section was brushed aside by most which is a fucking shame. Van rules, and this section shows you him riding in one of his all time best sections, even if you have to watch it with mute. FIRE! Especially the banger, wow. Some Delco spots get murdered as well. I'm glad to call Van a friend.
4. Mikey Aitken killing PA in the first Square One video to Slayer, and still getting me stoked! Can't wait to see his section in Killjoy! AITKEN FOREVER!

5. Last of all Josh Stricker in S&M Please Kill Me. Great song, Josh is killing every wallride in site, massive tables, just Josh doing what he does best on the streets and whatever the fuck else gets in his way. JOSH IS ROCK N ROLL!

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