Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Yeah I've been on a heavy metal and black metal kick recently. Kind of over everything that doesn't rule to my ears. I cannot even let myself sit down and listen to a hardcore, grind, or death metal record anymore that is recent without me just shaking my head in utter disgust. Europe really is killing it lately with music that is super fun to listen to and makes the hair on your dome grow. I hate when I tell people what music I like, ESPECIALLY when I tell them heavy metal. No I don't want to hear whatever bullshit you are listening to especially when you claim its sick and it turns out you want to show me some fucking AWFUL song by some totally non metal band and claim it to kick ass. I'm not going to name some of the bands people have told me to check out lately because it is just total filth. Sorry but if the band you want me to hear is a mix nonsense that sounds like the first Job For A Cowboy Ep I probably should punch a screwdriver into those ears of yours to eliminate the possibility of you ever infecting any spawn that you may bring into this horrid Earth with your shitty music taste. Here are some bands for those of you who don't give a fuck about that dude from Against Me turning into a chick, or about gay folk being married. WHO THE FUCK CARES UNLESS IT DIRECTLY INVOLVES YOU! If you are a homosexual then live life the best way that you can, if you like Against Me and all of a sudden now that you hear that Tom wants to become a women thus making you take a false claim that you never were an Against Me fan, or throw out your record collection so you don't get infected or inspired to put on women's clothing... well chances are you are a fucking clown whom deserves to either be flayed to death, or put to sleep. Really, if it is not your life, or a decision does not directly involve the feelings in that brain of yours then maybe you should mind your own fucking business. I have nothing against homosexuality in the United States, and I think that if you are two dudes, or two chicks who want to get married then you should obviously have the right to do so. OK NORTH CAROLINA! But I personally think that this whole fucking world is in the toilet, armageddon is welcome with open arms. The sooner the better, life maybe great most days but as a whole I think its time to pass the torch to another species. Especially after the massive amount of hatred that we have spread, the total desensitization of our youth, and the complete lack of respect that we as humans have for our planet. GET FUCKED! Yeah I felt like ranting want to fight about it? Meet me at the witches cemetery... I will be enjoying this rainstorm. Or maybe this shithole called Earth does need more destruction and chaos? Negativity can be a beautiful thing when properly showcased, not by a bunch of angst ridden teenagers who wear black because they happen to be mad at their parents for taking away their IPods so they post edgy remarks on Twitter. The form of negativity that I speak of is true and from the heart. Follow the left hand path HAIL SATAN!
 Above is a shitty Iphone photo I took during Watain's set on Sunday which was FUCKING AMAZING, and below is In Solitude who also killed it. I have some photos of The Devils Blood as well. Evoken brought the funeral doom fucking hard and left during Behemoth due to being bored out of my mind, and the shitty mall metal crowd at that point made my brain hurt. As did the disrespect that was given to The Devils Blood who will go down as one of the best bands I have ever seen in a live setting. Seriously, fucking unreal talent all in the name of the Lord Below.

Such an awesome line up, thank you Decibel Magazine. If only King Diamond could've been healthy to do a full tour so Behemoth could've stayed in Poland. I have nothing but respect for Behemoth but for fucksake you have some TERRIBLE fans!
This Venom set fucking RULES!

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